Reduce paper, improve compliance

An Investor Self Declaration is a document that an investor or account holder uses to make a legally binding certification about their tax status to a financial institution.

Our Investor Self Declarations tool allows financial institutions to collect a single electronically signed document from each investor – saving time, improving accuracy and removing paper.

Complete one simple form to certify your tax status to your financial institution.

Your financial institution will send you a personalised link to complete your investor self declaration online.

Improve compliance with international anti tax evasion and cross border withholding regulations by collecting a single electronic self certification from each investor.

Our suite of tools helps financial institutions navigate their CRS, FATCA and U.S. Chapter 3 and 4 obligations.

Our investor self declarations comply with CRS, FATCA and U.S. Chapter 3 and 4, all on one form.

We use a UETA- and ESIGN-compliant electronic signature that adheres to the strictest document signing policies in the U.S. and EU.

Our tools allow financial institutions to apply robust validation checks that reduce errors and improve reporting data quality.